Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Bright End of Nowhere

I haven't seen these guys in months. The cold weather I guess plus Kaoru snowboarding on the side has kept me away. But it was a nice day to be out on the bike on the hills in Kawane.
Kanewa got us started as usual. He said he had a new trail that he wanted to show us. We followed him along some pretty treacherous ground. But all we got was lost. Twice! We had to turn back and push up the mountain. And here I thought it was going to be a nice relaxing sunday ride with the boys. But no, I had to work. Thats me. The view is nice if you pretend I'm not in the picture.
Just a couple of shots from the ride today. Blogger is being bitchy and not letting me upload all my photos at once, so I am forced to make my readers suffer for it.
I have a whole 12 second clip from the ride today too which I'll post as soon as Utube approves it.

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