Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Thats me and Chinatsu. I am wearing the toque they bought me for my bday. I happened to mention that they should wish Ikkie a happy bday for me. His is a few days after mine. This week I was presented with a gift from the family, Ikkie, Chinatsu and Riintaro as well as their Mom, Kumiko. It's like every single tiny nice thing I do around here is repaid to me 1o times over. I got the toque, mittens and a neck warmer as well as a bunch of tea and snacks. It's always been easy for me to remember Bdays that are close to mine. Everyone does it right. Orlando Bloom, Patrick Dempsey, Robert Stack, Micheal Pena. All the same day. Ikkie is on the 17th. I even remember the Bdays of people I haven't seen since junior high if theirs are a few days within mine. Its just how my head is wired.

They were even planning a party for me until I asked them not to. Sometimes it's like being buried under an avalanche of kindness. I don't know if I'll ever be able to say thanks to all the people who have been good to me here, not the way they deserve anyways.

Anyways, on to real disasters.

Heath Ledger died today. I must admit I was pretty shocked. I've been looking forward to the next Batman movie for a while now. The Joker is one of his last roles. They say is was sleeping pills probably mixed with something else. But they don't say suicide. Alive alive alive, your dead. Unreal. I guess it's true what they say, whatever time you have is luck. And so many people take their time for granted, even me.

Also for a certain cousin of mine who I understand is having a bad day of her own. Not gunna mention names or situations. You know who you are and should know I hope you get through this OK. Hugs from the Rooman Empire her in Japan.

Everyone in Vancouver will be happy to know the weather here has been a bag of shit past few days. Even if I wasn't sick I wouldn't be riding in this.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Friday funday

Screw it, I'm taking the night off. Even tho I've only trained twice this week, I need a short break. I'm not sure if I've been fighting a cold or if its all the kerosene I've been breathing in, but I have a sore throat and have decided to chill out this evening. If it is a cold it's prolly best I hide in my apartment anyways. No sense in making it worse. I even treated myself to some 'unlucky fried kittens' for dinner. Say it ten times fast, you'll figure out where I ate. And now I'm in my jammies with a nice little pot of green tea and the electric heater going (cause I don't trust the big one) getting settled for a nice night at home.

Another reason to take the day off is that I start 2 new classes tomorrow morning. The good thing is that I game here to try and help build the school. This is the first break we have had in the area since I got here. The 2 classes were being taught by a guy from Aus, but he had to bolt home for some reason. So they called the guys at Ohtomi and some one told them about me. Guess that's it cause tomorrow I take over. I hope I'm not reporting this too early. They could always decide I'm a jerk or just generally useless and go find someone else. So if I suck I will have to admit it to everyone on this blog in a later post. sigh. The real scary part is that I have to be awake at 7:30 am on Saturdays from now on. And I have to miss Saturday morning training. This english teaching shit is starting to look a lot like work. Ha! listen to me whine. When I'm over whatever this is, I'm really gunna have to hustle with my training.

Here's a couple of pics from Japan for those of you who don't like reading. This is the Dojo.
And this is me and Maruyama san out a few weeks ago.

English classes are back in full swing. I had my first class with the Amaya kids in over a month. It went better than I thought it would . The kids actually buckled down and did some work. Robyn was right about them. They know more english than they let on. Sneaky buggers.

Nuthin much else to report. Back to being lazy for me. TTYL.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


It's been hard to know what to write about lately. To be honest, the holidays here were a bit of a roller coaster for me. Lots of ups and downs. A friend of mine tells me that Japan has layers and layers and the longer you stay here the more layers you go through. Some are interesting and other can really throw you off your game. I don't think I am ready yet to talk about some of the more difficult experiences I have had here. I am still correlating data as they say. Trying to make sense out of and find the best way to deal with my surroundings.

The english school has had some good news and some bad. In the bad, one of my students from a small group I teach has decided to stop going. Sensei and I discussed that matter and decided to offer them a reduced rate until they could find a 3rd body to fill the seat. It was sad to see, but understandable. There are a lot of available english teachers in Japan right now as well as a recession in the economy here. Sensei asked if I wanted to continue with the class and I said of course, that we are in this together. But I can't shake the feeling that all this is hanging by a string. But the good news is we do have a new class for a few months. A pair of teenage boys who will be travelling to Vancouver for a week are taking 3 months of lessons until they go. So something positive.

I spent new years in Shizouka. I had a good time. After midnight we moved to a Latino dance club. I watched Japanese Salsa on new years morning. It was beautiful.

I had a birthday on Sunday. I ended up being treated to dinner at Yakko by Ozawa Sensei and a friend of his. Bruce from Ottawa was there also. A very nice guy who has been friends with other english teachers here in the past. It was a very nice time. We ate and drank and talked for about 4 hours.

All is well here now. Being back into Karate helps me keep my focus on why I am here. I'll be busy with classes the next few days. Otherwise there isnt much to write about. Hopefull I can hook up with Kaoru soon for another epic style ride in Japan.

Only about 4 more months left to go here. Time is running out.