Saturday, August 11, 2007

Narita's Dojo

Just thought I'd post up some pics of Narita's Dojo. A profile, if you will, of one of the places I have been spending a lot of time at.
Yep, its a picture of a Suzuki dealership all right. Sensei Narita's alter ego is as a dealership owner. The Dojo is the yellow building above the dealership sign. In addition to spending 3 nights a week here training Karate, I've also been washing cars here as a way to earn a little extra cash and keep busy.
This is Mrs. Narita. A very nice lady and one of my English students. Sensei Narita was not available for this picture but I'll update this post later and add him in.
This is the inside of the dojo. That floor may look innocent enough, but its because of places like this that made someone come up with the idea of taping up your feet. I wont include any pictures of my blisters, just incase your eating lunch while reading this.

A couple of pictures here. Sensei is giving instruction on Giite, the next Kata for these 2 black belts.

Here Sensei Osawa is giving instruction to Uchi and Ikki Sempais. (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong Ikki)

Sensei Osawa is a real character. Sort of an Oscar to Sensei Sakurai's Felix. The 2 compiment each other very well. Sensei Osawa does his best to speak english when he talks to me. Both of these sensei's are great teachers and lots of fun to socialize with.
A nice story book entry for today. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some pics of the festivities going on around Fujieda. Hope all is well in Vancouver. Take care everyone.

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