Saturday, April 21, 2018

Family Photos

We arrived in Gubbio Wednesday afternoon. Adrio(uncle on Nic's Mom's side) and Rita picked us up at the train station after 5.5 hours of travel and and extra 35 minute delay due to a medical emergency at one of the stops.

We were escorted to Adrio's home and fed. Nic got to visit with her Nona for the first time in a long while. We stayed at the San Marco that evening then went on to her Aunt Maria's house(Dad's side). We had lunch and dinner there on thursday. More from Ben and Maria's house in another post.

For Friday night, Nic's Mom's cousin, Gerusa, arranged a family dinner. In 3 days she organized 40 aunts, uncles, cousins, kids, relations and partners to meet at a restaurant near Burano. The event turned into an impromptu and belated wedding reception for me and Nic.

It's been a whirlwind here I can assure you but I'm falling short in the story telling department. All I can say is I've met some fantastic people in the past 72 hours. This post is mainly dedicated to photo's of family from that dinner. My target audience is Nic's family back home. For now, entirely from Leonella's side of the family. Below are a mix, I'll do my best to include names in the captions.

Nic and Nona Sylvia

Dinner at Adrio's and Rita's. Clockwise Nic, Adrio, Sylvia, Gianluca, Elisa, Rita and Fabio.

From the big dinner......

Alessio, little Nico and Elisabetta

Ubaldo and Alessio

Fabio's daughter Martina

Couple of freaks

Donatella, Leonetto, Diace, Marsha and Donatello(Donatella's Twin bro)

Umbretta and Armando's Sofia

Gracielle and Tony

Nicola and Adrio

Eduardo, Donatella's son

My Friend Allesio and son Nico

Giacommo and Mom Frederica

Alice (Allesio and Elizsabetta) and Giacomo (Valentino and Frederica)

Elisa and Gianluca - Newlyweds

Filipo and Sara with Martina(Fabio's Daughter)

Clockwise - Filipo, Fabio, Nicola, Donatello, Valentino(Frederica's Husband), Allesio, Elisa(Another one), Federico, Giordano, and Elisa(# 3 I think came with Giordano)

Martina, Gerusa, Gerusa's helper(Sorry didn't get name, that's so awful of me) and Gracielle

Viva le Sposi, or in english "way to go, Idiots"

Tony, Ombretta and Adrio


Midnight in Burano
More coming from Gubbio. A little nuts here right now.

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