Monday, December 1, 2014

Walking the Walk

I sometimes like to record my kohai's while attempting to grade. Its a good learning tool. One day we can look back at ourselves and measure our progress.

I recorded 5 short clips during Saturdays gradings in Chilliwack. Gloria, Jen and Izzy were all grading from my Dojo as well as a couple of Lorne's younger students from the Tsawassen Dojo.

For those Martial Arts practitioners who stumble upon this page and think they have a short grading, bear in the mind that most of the candidates have already been training rigorously for most of the day and part of the evening before.

This video starts off as Alicia from the Tsawassen dojo doing her Kihon then turns into Gloria doing hers.

Gloria's Tekki Shodan

Jen's Kihon and Kata. Forgive as I cant move around for better angles.

Izzy Kihon
And Izzy for Bosai Dai

Everyone from Nvan passed. Not sure about the T-towners.

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