Sunday, May 18, 2014

Squamish Sideslip

I've always marveled at how a group ride can simply materialize out of seemingly nothing.  Nic and I warmed up on Expresso on Saturday. For Sunday we to get a little more out of our long weekend. Most of our usual gang was unavailable, but Bob was keen to head to Squamish. None of us are that familiar with the area so we back channeled our way to Chris and Rich, our friends who are local to the area.

It's good to know people.

We convinced her to join the ride and show us a few trails previously recommended to us by our out of towners.

 A nice spot for a few group shots at the entrance to Bruce's trail.
 We started on our way.

I was surprised to come around a corner and find myself in familiar territory. Nic and I have done an Alice Lake lap that takes us on these trails.
 Chris and Nic pedalling up the exit of "Tracks from Hell"
 A fair bit of pedaling up followed but it was well worth it. We found our way to Entrail. A trail in Squamish that has a lot to offer. Lots you an do, and some for you to work on in subsequent trips.
 Bob was wise to get his Rock face game started early. There was lots of this on the trail.  Chris took the more reliable and more chundery line to the left.

 There was no shortage of fun lines on this ride.

We finished our Entrail lap. As expected, Bob went back for more on his own. I stuck with the ladies for a bit longer as we did Roller Coaster and most of Lumber Jacks. Then Nic and Chris carried on on their own back to the homestead. I decided to do a short exploratory . I finished off Lumber Jacks and found myself on Tressle trail.

 After lots of map navigation I finally found myself on Seven Up. But not what I hoping for. I think this trail is designed for future slopestylers. (That boat sailed for me long ago.)
 I managed to find my way to the bike shop in town. I'd only been parted from the girls for around 20 minutes or so and I was calling Nic for an Evac from town to the Howe Sound Brew Pub - one of my favorite places in Squamish.

Bob eventually caught up to us for a meal and glass of beer. (He was a bit behind the curve). Rich and \i polished off a bit more than that.

Thanks to Bob, Chris and Rich for a really great day that materialized out of nothing.

Bonus footage. Sorry to make you crane your neck for this:

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