Sunday, January 3, 2010

Twenty Ten(Ride 1)

No pics. Forgot to charge my batteries.

Just a good ride. Went out on my own. Picked Fromme again over SFU cause of the trail closures in bby. Started the day on my own. Met up with a few guys. Terry and Daryl, friends of Noodles and a guy from portland getting his shore legs.

Not my best ride ever but I got some tuning up to do this season.

The combo was standard, 7th into pipeline then a run down Natural High to cap it off. Great day with a couple of potential new ride buddies. I love how my normal crew always manage to miss these awesome winter rides when there are so few to be had.

Back to work tomorrow. Been off 10 days now and slept mostly for the first 9. It was warm today and conditions were prime. A good ride clears your head, takes the knots out. The first beer after gets into your legs like a massage. Your in a good place. We all are.

One set of batteries had no charge, but mine are ready.

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