Sunday, July 15, 2007

Konnichi wa!

I have arrived in Japan at last. I got into Tokyo yesterday afternoon and made my way on trains to Fujieda, where Sakurai sensei picked me up and took me to my appartment. I think the most miraculous thing about the trip is that my bike actually arrived intact.

Once I dropped off my stuff, Senei took me out for dinner. I didn't get the name of the place, but I met Ozawa Sensei there. Very nice gent and quite a character. You can tell he really loves Karate. Sakurai Sensei and I agree earlier to stay only 2 hours at the restaurant, but it quickly became 3. Ozawa Sensei really seemed to hit it off and he practiced his english and drank beer with me the whole time.

It is Ozawa's wife who owns the restaurant and I must admit , I had some of the best tasting Japanese food including the richest tasting tuna sashimi I have ever had.

I spent most of sunday sleeping (it off) and managed to get out and explore the nieghborhood a bit. I walked around smiling but I think for the most part, people here are a bit nervous about me. I'm going to need to find a way to break the ice and start making friends, and prosective clients.

Anyways, I'll post up more a bit later.

ps. We were supposed to have a had a Typhoon yesterday but I dont think that ever materialized.

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