Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Funny, your wednesday is beginning. Mine is at an end.

After a rather shaky performance on monday, I have stormed back to life with a hattrick of successes.

Tuesday morning I awoke and began the mission to drive around Fujieda, solo. I sat in my car few minutes to get acquainted with sitting on the right hand side. I started her up and made 2 or 3 trips to the dojo I would be training at that night. I also went to 3 other loacations I would be teaching english at during the week. I was surprised by how quickly I adapted to driving on the left hand side of the road. It doesnt take as much as I thought, really it's quite easy.

In the evening I had my first ever Karate training in Japan. I was the oldest, fatest, slowest and lowest belt in the class and I loved every minute of it. Sakurai Sensei was away that day so the class was tought by Osawa Sensei. (I met Osawa at his wifes restaurant on Saturday). He took his time and even tried to speak a little english to me. It was most kind of him. I think I will get along quite well with this Sensei. The children I was training with were all quite gifted Karate-ka, and I didn't mind so much the giggles as I tried to stretch (which I suck at) and messed up kumite foot movement over and over again. At least I know I wll get lots of practice while I am here.

Of special note is one young girl in our class named Shina (excuse, Im not sure of spelling). The sensei's are quite proud of here. She has placed first and second in recent Kunite and Kata tournaments. She cannot be older that 11. Osawa Sensei asked her to demonstrate her Empi Kata. It was about as close to perfect as I had ever seen any Kata done. She moved with speed, power and perfect form. It is mind boggling to me how anyone that young(a black belt already) could make such an achievement. I hope to have some short video footage of her to post on U tube after my next class with her. I think my Sensei's in Tsawassen will agree, she is quite the thing to see.

No Karate today. Instead I had my first go at being an english teacher. My first student today was Matsui-san. A Suzuki shop owner and golf lover, Matsui has travelled to Sanfransisco, Pheonix, Las Vegas and the Hawaian Islands in search of a good golf game. He is also fun to teach. I think what makes him good is that he knows how to learn. He asked me lots of good questions and stopped me whenever I introduced at word he didn't understand. He caught me on a few words I probably shouldn't have used and ended up trying to explain how you can 'catch' a train instead of just a baseball. I hope all my students are as enthusiastic and smart as this man, although I know its a lot to ask.

My next class was the Narita group, attended tonight by Sensei Narita, his wife Naoko and Kyoko. I started off with a get to know you board game where you would ask a certain kind of question depending on where you landed on the board. We had a very fun time. Naoko is especially enthusiastic and helpful. I enjoyed teaching the class very much but I must find a way to get Sensei Narita out of his shell. I know he can read and speak some english. But as I said to him, learning english is like learning Karate. Practice and repitition are the key. I hope he begins to open up. I know he can do it.

Robyn, thanks so much for all the life lines you left for me. The picture here is coming into focus nicely. But one question. Am I not supposed to hang my skivies up to dry outside?

It may be too early to start playing the theme song from Rocky, but, yeah. ...better.

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