Saturday, July 21, 2007

Japanese Hospitality

Today Sensei cut karate training short to have a small welcoming party for me. The parents of the children I train with all brought food and drink and we all settled in for an informal meal and gathering. It was a very nice time. Everywhere I go in Japan I am amazed by the friendliness and generosity of the people here. They truely bend over backwards to make you feel at home.

Narita Sensei was kind enough to offer me a job doing tasks and washing cars at his dealership. A little extra money will be nice in the month of August, but more than that the chance to get out of the appartment and kill some time. Also he said I could use the Dojo about his dealership to work out on my own and practice kata. The Naritas are extremely generous people, after a year I here I think my debt to them will be mindboggling.

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