Thursday, October 23, 2014

It is what we make of it

Yesterday morning Michael Zehaf-Bibeau walked up behind at Soldier standing on guard in front of the War Memorial in Ottawa and shot him down in cold blood. He then jumped in his car and made what seemed to be a mad dash for the Parliament Building. An act that he must have known would end is his death. A fairly concise timeline can be found here.

These acts are something that anyone in this Country could have done. While I do believe Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's intended to be a Terrorist, the fact that this man had a criminal past and a crack addiction diminishes his actions to those of a marginalized and rather sad criminal. He tried to go to Syria to join Isis. Had he been successful, I have little doubt that they would have afforded him the opportunity to become a full fledged Terrorist or suicide bomber.

Does this make Michael Zehaf-Bibeau and Martin Rouleau Terrorist Wannabees?

ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, surrounded by former Hussein Republic Guard Intel officers and soldiers have taken what was formerly Al-Queda from a group of insurgents to a full fledged military force creating their own state from parts of Syria and Iraq. ISIS is more media savvy than any other terror group from that region to date.

ISIS has drawn several young western Muslims to their cause with English Recruitment videos to become fighters.  Bibeau and Rouleau  intended to join them.

There are lots of Muslim people in the world. Lots in Canada. And most would rather live their lives peacefully than go fight for some asshole in Syria.

I liken Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi to Heath Ledgers Joker. 

When they send out one of these recruitment videos , He along with his ISIS spin doctors are talking to a certain kind of person, attracting certain kind of mind.  Marginalized, alone, maybe addicted and definitely mentally unstable.

Had Bibeau made it to Syria, yes, I think he would have been a Terrorist. What he did in Ottawa was criminal and cowardly.

The word terrorism is getting thrown around a lot today by our Prime Minister and media reporters. However what Terror boils down to is how you react. I for one, think the George W Bush era or fear mongering has long passed. We as free thinking Canadians have a responsibility to ensure that our Prime Minister not be allowed to use these occurrences as an excuse to escalate our military  presence in the middle east or restrict our own freedoms.  If we fail, then Zehaf-Bibeau and Rouleau succeed.

I am proud that my countrymen have not shown fear.......

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