I started planning this trip when Cypress we have snow trucked in from other parts of the province. 2010 was looking to be a warm one, so I felt like 7 Summits was a good bet. But no. The weather in these parts is a strange bird at best.
By the time I had wrangled 15 or so of my riding buddies and herded them to Rossland, the snow up on 7 Summits was around 5 feet still. I think they even had a little more while we were there.

You'd think someone would say something about being denied the package from the brochure. But instead of bailing on the plan, a large group of us drove 8+ hours each to Rossland and back for some new trail tales.

Between Don and CraigH taking pictures, there are around 1500 pics to choose from. I cant say if I grabbed the best ones, I just grabbed as many as I could post.
Ted content being high in this one, I dont mind being in my own blog from time to time.

What a brood. I think the largest riding group I have ever been in.

We arrived in town around 2:30pm on Canada Day. Our first ride started soon there after. Red Top and Red Head were right outside of our door.

Day 2, we rode up about 1200ft vert up Tamarac, across to Whiskey for the first part of it. Then over to Crown Point, a trail I think everyone had fun on.

Day 3 was Techno Grind, down Pale Ale and Milky Way, up Green door to lunch.

Day 3 part 2 was a few shuttle rides on Whiskey and then Tamarac back down for anyone who had the legs.

These pics, btw, have nothing to do with what I am typing. There is no way to manage
1500 images in a blog. You just post them.

Thanks to Dales friends, Jim and Michelle for the Pale Ale Milky way trip.

Thanks to Craig, Ina, Trevor and Ian for helping with the shuttle logistics. (I really need a truck.)

No big rip on 7 summits. But 16 of my friends had fun.
Worth the drive.
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