Craig is getting the Bikes strapped to the Van as Susan, Ina and Steve watch on. We stayed in Baker City, Oregon, up the NE corner of the state, before heading into Idaho and down into Utah.
The trip down went pretty smoothly. Craigs van is pretty spacious and cat naps came easy. Craig and Ina did all the driving. The rest of us got to relax.
The view from south of the land of milk and honey(Salt Lake City). Most of us slept through Salt Lake City. We did stop at a Coffee shop called Paradise Bakery and Cafe. Recommended for anyone taking the same route down.
Our first glimpse of the desert.
We stopped off at a Mexican place called La Hacienda. Good food, but make sure they get your order right if you are taking out. Labled plates of food wouldn't go a miss either.
Ina managed to find us some nice digs here in Moab. It was too dark last night to take pictures, but this is some of the view we woke up to this morning.
Craig just made coffee. We are still waiting for the rest of the travellers to emerge. Breathing the air here is like breathing nothing. It's beautiful here. The temperature so far has been perfect.
We are surrouned by Red.
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