Monday, March 1, 2010

Of Whine and Cheese

The Olympics are over now and I'd have to say that it was a much better experience than I had expected. For a few weeks in 2010, people in my home town finally stopped being grumpy. The constant sea of red and white in the streets of Vancouver was like and explosion of pent up national pride. It was nice to get it all off our chest and it feels like we can shed a certain coyness about our nationality and just get on with being who we are.

14 Olympic gold metals would not have seemed enough had we not got the last one. Crosby's OT winner provided the ending everyone had waited for. Had it gone the other way, it just would not have been the same.

Only a few gripes from Karate Monkey. I can't complain about the weather cause it has been good to bikers. The death of the georgian luger was a major drag. And the closing ceremony was borderline cheesy. Only funny to anyone who had consumed major amounts of beer. Shatner is a national cliche, Nickleback is the most overrated shitty band in the world. (Tracey never reads this blog does she?). The beavers, blow up mounties, floating moose and dancing maple leafs was like being 2 years old and trapped in an airport souvenir shop. They just needed to hand out smoked salmon and maple syrup to the audience. And where was the Arcade Fire? What better more relevant Canadian music act is there?

Cam MacRae had a good article on NSMB today. I'm not much for writing opinions when they are pretty much the same as someone elses'. I'd might as well just post a link. His pics are better than mine too, so if you wanna see what you missed, click here.

And finally, you've prolly all seen this but it's nice to get some good press, even if its meant to be promotional. The final comments by Brokaw and the host make me wonder if they are starting to understand they are going to need our help to turn their economy around and at least for while want America to back petal from their neocon, Bill O'Reilly/Anne Coulter/ignorant view of our country.

Now we get to sit and wait for the bill. This should be fun.

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