Saturday was a holiday here. I had the whole day off. In the evening I was invited out to a small party for Sensei. We were celebrating his accomplishment in Tokyo last month. It was held at Yakko of course. I left my camera at home. I just didn't feel like bothering people for pictures. As thank you/ congrats gift I bought him a copy of V for Vendetta, one of my favorites. The Party was for Black Belt adults only, but it seems I get cut some slack for being a quest. We had a really good time, but you know what they say. "What goes on in Fujieda, stays in Fujieda."
Sunday there was another trip to Fujimi Panorama, but I took a pass on that one. I'm going to plan my trip to Kyoto which should be coming up soon and I decided to budget.
The weather is noticably cooler here however still nice. It's kinda grey and wet here today So I have decided to stay in, write, prepare class and relax.
My left leg has been bothering me for the past few days. Bad timing since I was hoping to grade before Sensei is off to Canada. But instead of training on friday I took my camera to the Dojo. Here are some pics from training.
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