Fantastic training on the weekend. You'd think after 6 hours of hard training on Saturday I'd be wrecked. But not so. My second wind is my best wind and having found it, I found myself captivated for the whole day. A great teacher challenges you and makes you see things you had not seen before. Saturday was a rare treat indeed. And I can't wait for more. Japan cannot come soon enough.
Today I finally set up my weblog. Karate monkey is the name of a new trail up at whistler. I decided to steal the name for it's clever double meaning, describing my karate skills well and my love of mountain biking. As a bonus, it looks like blogspot will let you upload images direct now. It's nice not to need a Flickr account for this.
Have bike, will travel. Well, hopefully. Having just built it, i don't wanna part with it. So she's coming with me, barring being able to get her on the flight over. When the weather in Japan cools down, I'm looking forward to doing a little exploring. Who knows what I'll find.
Coming up is moving day. Everything gets tossed into storage. After that, I pick up my Visa and arrange the airfare. Shopping is a big one. Need to stock up on big white guy clothes I won't be able to find in Japan. A few bike accessories, a small portable drug store and it's go time.
Thanks to Kathryn for helping to get this started. A huge thanks to Robyn, my predecesor for the wealth of info she provided me on disk. Sorin for *cough* other disks. And thanks to Sakurai Shihan for making this possible.
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