While not as bad as 2016, 2017 wasn't the greatest year on record of my life. A continuation of the funeral pyre from the previous year along with a prolonged smoke wave that interdicted my ride season made last year another year that I was happy to see end. Nic and I also managed to end it on a whimper. We both got sick and spend Xmas and New Years coughing and making green balls of goo with our noses. Worst of all, the illness was my fault, as I not only made my wife sick, but my Mom too. Epic fail to end an epic fail of a year.
Cancelling our new years party , then feeling well enough to send out olive branches to a few friends. No on showed and they all made the right call. Nic I and I rang in the new year with a repeat of the Kings Speech, then the Netflix originals "Bright" (8/10 started off amazing but didn't quite reach it's potential) and the newly release Dave Chappelle Comedy specials( 10/10 pure comic genous).
Not wanting to get wound up with all the keeners who surely be out on the trails on January 1st, getting their year off to the right start, we opted for an extra rest day before hiking Quary Rock on the 2nd. No pics but nothing really amazing from a foggy hike.
On the 3rd we started our ride 2018 ride season however. Just a pangor lap was likely all our lungs would allow us before turning themselves inside out for spite.This was the start of my year, what I hope will be a great one. I sure need it.
Moving forward........again.