Karate returns to KarateMonkey again. 2013 might see a few Karate Posts on my blog.
Ever wonder what happens on the other side of the Port Mann? There is Karate there. Good Karate. After 30 mins of fitness training from sensei sharp then some awesome kumite training from Sensei Paul(Kelowna Paul). I was pooped after the first hour. Another hour to go and I was pretty glad I wasn't grading.
These 3 poor friends tho......hahahahahaha
The pictures are blurry. But thats because of the speedy crisp movements of the graders, not because im to cheap to go out and by a decent camera(or too lazy to learn how to use the one I have.)
Brett, Issy and Jen were called to the carpet today. All passed.
After was a fun trp to Earls with the Eaton clan and Jen. Good times after, well earned by my classmates. Grats guys!