It's been four and a half years since I started writing this blog, originally intended to be a log of my times in Japan training Karate with Sensei Sakurai. When I got back to Canada in 2008, I almost stopped writing, but in 09 I started to feel like I had things to say again. Since the summer of '09, the bulk of my entries have been about Mountain Biking trips, big or not so big.
But the name of the blog is Karate Monkey, and karate does remain a part of my regular routine. I've not graded since the fall of '08, but I still plug away as best I can.
Izzy decided to start us a Facebook page. I don't have a Facebook account anymore but I thought it was a good idea and a good excuse to bring a camera with me to class.

I changed Dojo's in 2010. Living in East Van makes the commute to the North Van dojo make more sense. This is Sensei Mike using Colin to help demonstrate gohan kumite.

Trever and his mom practice and so do Colin and Alfred below.

And from the open session just today, I was allowed to move around and take some pictures from Kata training. It was pick your poison day. Kanku Dai or sho, or maybe Teki Shodan or Heian Nidan or Yondan.

A few people were asking me where I had been. I hadn't realized how many open sessions and B&B's I've been missing but some had thought I'd taken 2011 off. Not true at all actually. Just life getting in the way as it often does. And I won't lie, I've come to dread the long journey out to Chilliwack. But really it's just the traffic I hate. The training last night was awesome. This morning, a little more brutal for my oft absent behind.
It's good to be back. I hope I can ramp it up from here.