My car died on the way to the Cove, last sat. Transmission planet housing gave out. The car, which I purchased from a friend upon returning home from Japan, lasted me 3+ years. Not bad considering what I paid. Truth be told, I wasn't surprised the transmission blew. From the first time I drove it 3 years ago I could tell something funny was going on with the way the automatic moved through its power settings. With no Overdrive, the car ate more gas than other cars the same age.
So long Subaru Loyale, I never liked you.
After getting the car towed off the road, I managed to hook up with Ian. He was nice enough to come grab me and the 29er I had signed out from Cove.
The new Kona Satori. Here are some pics from our 2 laps at SFU.
The second lap was better than the first. I was learning how to ride the bike. A 29er is a new experience if you have never used one before. Not a steep learning curve, but you need to manage your energy differently.
The new Kona is really good. A 5&5 bike with true AM geo, my large weighed in at around 31 lbs. Not bad for any AM bike, 29er or not.
The tag on the bike is $3300. Perhaps a bit high for a single pivot Kona, but it comes equipped with a RS Revelation, RP2 and Easton wheelset. The drive train felt a bit cheap, but the revelation really impressed me. It had nice bounce and I think this bike could handle the Shore fairly well.
Still, I won't be going here in the end. As interested as I am in a 29er, taking one to Fromme would be cheating. The big wheels would get you up the hill way ahead of your crew or gf, and then ride easily down pipeline or Crinkum. Too easy.
The 5&5 Kona encroaches on territory reserved for my G-spot. I would dread riding a 29er on the shore for 2 months then having to go back to my 26er wheels. I think this feeling may hint to why 29ers haven;t taken off around here the way they have taken off everywhere else.
If I do go 29er, and with my dead car now creating a money issue, it's likely going to be while before I do, I think a straight up XC bike is where I'll invest.
No one minds cheaters in the XC realm anyways.