Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Low Thunder

We had another one of Japans nice little thunder storms today. It was loud and impressive. I went outside to take some of it in. The clouds are low to the ground and you can feel the buildings shake as it echoes through the streets and allys of my neighborhood. The hot in japan is hotter, the rain is rainier, and you can really feel the thunder. Almost as if god lives at the equator and you can hear him louder from here.

The second blog is up but I want to wait for Sensei to give his thumbs up before making it public. The new blog should be a nice companion piece to this one. A little more event oriented and a little less of my thoughts spilled onto the internet. I hate making everyone read 2 but Ill have lots of links to make it easy to get to.

It's was nice to have some email corspondence today from a friend and sensei today. After the last post he wanted to remind me that I may get more out of this experience if I were to think less, and just try to let everything happen. I asked him why and he said there is no why, and that I should empty my mind of questions.

Actually that part didn't really happen, although I suspect he is right. A little more faith in the people who are helping me and a little less worrying about dissapointing people may be a better approach to this trip. A little more faith.....

"I don't care what you believe, ...... just believe..........." Shepherd Book.

Take care everyone.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Yeah yeah, I know. Where have I been. If your wondering why I haven't posted in so long its because my computer stopped working and needed some loving. I upgraded a few parts and now seem to have steady access to the internet again.

Life here is otherwise continuing as normal. Train karate, teach english, wash cars, occassionally eat and sleep etc. Last nights training was particularily grueling and I forgot to tape up my feet again. Now I have blisters on my blisters. It's rained here the past few days, (thank god), but I think the cooler weather gave Sensei the idea to really work on some speed training. Speed training for me is like ice skating up hill. The people I train with here are so fast, I don't think I'll ever be tournament ready.

I think Sensei also wants be to publish another blog. He know I keep this one but I've told him its just for my family and friends. I think he'd like to see something written just for the Karate community about the goings on in Fujieda and what it's like to train Karate here. I will get started on that soon, but I doubt I will have enough time or creativity for 2 blogs. We'll see what happens, I'll keep everyone informed.

I came to Japan with a few goals, go up a few kyu ranks, learn the language, leave with more students than I arrived here with and also work on the NASKA website a bit. See if I can pretty it up. I sent out an email to as many sensei's as I know back home asking for some up to date pics, but I have yet to hear back from anyone.

The goals I have are my own, but I'm starting to wonder if the way I define a successful year in Fujieda is similiar to how Sensei Sakurai defines it. I try to ask him questions from time to time but its hard to get a direct answer. Yesterday he suggested I contact the news paper in tsawassen and see if they would publish an article about my trip to Japan. Its not a bad idea, but I'm not sure what sort of message he wants me to spread to the people back home. I don't mind writing about what I think and feel about my trip here as long as I know the people who are reading it know me and how understand how I think. But I'm not sure I can be an ambassador to the karate community. I'd like to tell stories of tournaments won, and the gaining of wonderful insight into the art of karate, but right now all my stories are about how fat and slow I am here.

If it were just my own goals I had to worry about I would be fine. But I am here on Sensei's ticket so I have to make sure he is happy with what I do while I am here too. Hopefully I can get a clear read on that if he starts reading a second blog.

Anyways, cheers to everyone back home. Take care.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Soaking up the Culture

Yui was nice enough to swing by on Saturday night and take me down to the neighborhood party. Thats me with Yui and her cousin, Misito. All over town there are these gravel yards where communities and get together and play games or have parties. This one took place about a 20 minute walk from where I live. We sat down at a table next to these guys. Right away they started passing beer my way. But in Japan your not supposed to pour your own drinks. So I figured they were giving them to me so I could pour for them. I did my best with Japanese manners and walked over to them and started pouring. They of course reciprocated. The men here were all quite busy getting liqoured up so I just jumped in and swam as best I could. . Everyone here works hard so its pretty natural I quess for them to wanna party hard too.
The festival was alive with music. This guy was atop the podium banging away on the drums for the Bone Odori dancers. (Forgive my spelling) The ladies like to dress up in their Kimonos and dance in a circle around the podium. It's called the Bone Odori dance and its pretty central in Japanese culture. The Women, children and even the men like to take part. I dont know much about the origins of the dance tho, I wish I did.

This guy was a bit of a comedian. We started talking and drinking together. Everyone here always seems to ask the same questions. How old are? Are you single? Do you like Japanese women? I don't get it. He spoke a little english and after a few minutes he came right out and said to me -"You are very strange" . I think the whole table was wondering what I was laughing at. He introduced himself as Kawa ii. Which is actually Japanese for "your cute". Good thing I already knew that. I was spared the embarassment of of telling a 60 year old Japanese dude that I found him attractive all night. After getting quite hammered, this guy had to do direct traffic around the party grounds. Hmmm. Whatever.

So I finally got a chance to see some real Japanese culture here. People here really seem to relish in their chances to socialize and party party. Plus I learned another imporatance lesson last night. Japanese guys will mess with you if you let them. heheehehe.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Narita's Dojo

Just thought I'd post up some pics of Narita's Dojo. A profile, if you will, of one of the places I have been spending a lot of time at.
Yep, its a picture of a Suzuki dealership all right. Sensei Narita's alter ego is as a dealership owner. The Dojo is the yellow building above the dealership sign. In addition to spending 3 nights a week here training Karate, I've also been washing cars here as a way to earn a little extra cash and keep busy.
This is Mrs. Narita. A very nice lady and one of my English students. Sensei Narita was not available for this picture but I'll update this post later and add him in.
This is the inside of the dojo. That floor may look innocent enough, but its because of places like this that made someone come up with the idea of taping up your feet. I wont include any pictures of my blisters, just incase your eating lunch while reading this.

A couple of pictures here. Sensei is giving instruction on Giite, the next Kata for these 2 black belts.

Here Sensei Osawa is giving instruction to Uchi and Ikki Sempais. (Sorry if I spelled your name wrong Ikki)

Sensei Osawa is a real character. Sort of an Oscar to Sensei Sakurai's Felix. The 2 compiment each other very well. Sensei Osawa does his best to speak english when he talks to me. Both of these sensei's are great teachers and lots of fun to socialize with.
A nice story book entry for today. Hopefully tomorrow I will have some pics of the festivities going on around Fujieda. Hope all is well in Vancouver. Take care everyone.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

KOAmart ROCKS!!!!

Found my way to KOAmart this afternoon. Man that place is awesome. Its just a little IGA sized supermarket tucked away on some road nearby. That place is a tubby white guys wet dream. They got Toblerone, M&M's, Doritos, Hersheys and best of all, Campbells cream of mushroom soup. 4 cans of it only but they'll get more. LOL!. I'm saved!!!. They even have Canadian Club and that shitty Jose Cuervo tequila that is actually made in the states that everyone thinks is so good until they go to Mexico and try the real stuff. AHHH. Well at least I know where to go when I really really need those creature comforts. I thought for sure I would leave Japan lighter than when I got here, but now Im not so sure. HAHAHA!!!!

More entries to come as the weekend approaches.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Harry Potter Spoilers

If you haven't read the new Harry Potter book and are planning to, then you may wanna skip this entry.

The thought the book was pretty good. I liked the ending but I thought the whole thing could have been about 100 pages shorter.

There are a few things I don't understand, like how did Neville get the Sword of Gryffendor and did Harry already have the elder wand when he took it from Draco, or was he just the master of it because he defeated him? Yeah, confusing. I was a bit surprised by the death toll. Lupin was lined up classically to be killed off. But Tonks and Fred was a real surprise. Thought it was kinda mean of JK to leave a new baby with out his parents. Ah well.

The weather in Japan is as advertised today. Hot hot hot. I think today I'll just stay inside and try to stay cool. Some students of mine are coming over a bit later to help shop for computer parts so I can upgrade this old junker. Hopefully I can find enough old components and I can get WOW installed and running.

The rest of the week went by fairly uneventfully. Though I think I need to start finding easier and funner ways to teach english. I think the stuff I have done has been too difficult, but everyone here seems to buckle down and get it done. I have been pleased with everyones efforts.

Next weekend there are some festivities I am planning on attending so I should have some new pictures for everyone at home. I hope all is well with everyone. Take care.